Law, Crime & History
The editors of Law, Crime & History believe that the journal should reflect and encourage a wide range of perspectives, provided that the pieces are not discriminatory or likely to cause offence. Opinions expressed in articles, features and reviews are those of individual authors and do not represent editorial policy. Please avoid excess jargon specific to a particular approach or discipline area, in the interests of accessibility to the widest possible readership. The journal welcomes unsolicited submissions. Manuscripts are reviewed by double blind peer review: neither authors nor expert readers know one another's identities.
Submissions to Law, Crime & History must be sent in electronic copy format. To submit a manuscript electronically, please send it either in WORD or in RICH TEXT FORMAT to the email address below. The submission should include a 100 word abstract, including also copies of any statistical tables, maps, or illustrations. Provide your name(s), address(es) and contact information on a separate title page. Articles should normally be between 8,000 and 10,000 words in length (including notes), but either shorter or longer submissions may be considered on their merits. Articles should be sent to Dr Samantha Pegg Reviews and review articles should be submitted direct to the Book Review Editor Dr John Walliss, (Liverpool Hope University)
This journal does not impose any author charges such as an article processing charge (APC) or publication fee.
The Editors will seek to notify authors about the acceptability of a paper within three months; however since some manuscripts may have to travel the world to reviewers, it may sometimes take longer to get back to you. The Editors will not enter into correspondence about papers considered unsuitable for publication. The editorial board reserves the right to reject a submitted manuscript on the grounds of minor or major plagiarism including duplicate publication of the author's own work, in whole or in part. If necessary any concerns regarding plagiarism or authenticity will be checked using appropriate software e.g. Turnitin.
Layout of Electronic Copy
All material should be formatted for A4 or quarto paper, DOUBLE SPACED, and in Arial font size 11 for the main text and font size 12 for headings and sub-headings. The Title should be capitalized in bold font 12, main headings title case bold font 12 and sub-headings indented title case bold font 11. Margins left and right should be 3.17cm and top and bottom 2.54 cm. Each page should be numbered at the top of the page.
Quotations of more than 50 words should be indented on both left and right margins.
This Journal uses footnotes and NOT the Harvard system. Footnote numbering should be in superscript, but not either bold or italic. Footnote numbers should be placed in the text, following the end of a sentence unless there is a need to endnote a particular word. Please try to avoid sentences with numerous footnote numbers within them.
In Reviews, all material should be incorporated into the text: there should be no notes.
Please avoid cross-references as far as possible. In Reviews, the author's name should appear at the end of the review, on the right-hand side, with his/her institution on the left. The total word count, including footnotes, should be added at the end.
Style Conventions
Quotation marks should be ‘single’; double quotation marks should be used only to indicate one quotation within another. Quotations may be given in an original foreign language, but a translation into English must also be provided.
Acronyms should be preceded by the title in full.
Use italics for titles of books, journals and newspapers.
Numbers should be given as follows: one to twelve in words; 13 onwards in figures. Please give dates in figures (ie: 1380, 1900, and in sequence, 1810-16; 1242-3), and refer in both text and footnotes to 1640s. Use words for tenth century, for example, in both text and footnotes. For specific dates please use 12 November 1800 in both text and footnotes. In footnotes, the months are given in the form Jan, Feb, March, Apr, May, June, July, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec.
Spelling should be UK English. Normally, the spelling in English language quotations (or the English translations of foreign language quotations) should be in modern English, with standardized spelling, unless the original language, spelling, or punctuation is required for textual discussion. Equally, place names should normally use the standard English form, if one is in common use, otherwise the local modern spelling should be used. Please use italics for non-English words which are not accepted as part of the daily language, thus: mores but vice versa. We prefer UK, USA, Dr, Mrs, Rev. In the text, avoid abbreviations apart from standard accepted ones such as these but in footnote text use: i.e., e.g. (see above for months). Above all, however, be consistent in your usage, especially for conventions of punctuation.
Footnote References
Book titles are italicised and the original capitalization pattern of the original should be followed, especially with non-English language titles, as well as over the use of first names or initials.
First citations follow this pattern: Martin Wiener, Men of Blood. Violence, Manliness, and Criminal Justice in Victorian England (Cambridge University Press, 2004) p.3 (or pp.3-4).
Edited collections are indicated by (ed.) for single editors and (eds.) for multiple authors.
With multiple authors, please give the first author and indicate the others as follows: et al. Chapters in edited collections follow this pattern: Annalise Rules, ‘Law as Object, ’ in Sally E Merry and Donald Brenneis (eds.) Law and Empire in the Pacific. Fiji and Hawaii (James Currey, 2003) pp.167-190,p.188.
For articles, please use the following pattern, with the volume number in Arabic numerals, the relevant page numbers, and the page number of any direct citation. Again, follow the capitalization pattern of the original: Susanne Davies, 'Sexuality, Performance and Spectatorship in Law: the case of Gordon Lawrence, Melbourne, 1888,' Journal of the History of Sexuality, 7 (1997) 383-397, p.390.
For subsequent citations of any publication, use the surname of the author(s) and a short title: Wiener, Men of Blood pp.88-9; Rules, ‘Law,’ p.190; Davies, 'Sexuality,' p.390.
For translated texts, please use the following: K. Jaspers, General Human Resource Management 7th edn, trans. J. Hoenig and M. Hamilton, (Manchester, 1983).
For pamphlets or occasional papers which are part of a series, put the name of the series and the number of the paper in brackets after the title, along with the publisher, place and date of publication). British official publications should be listed under the name of the department, or as Parliamentary Papers (abbreviated after first citation to PP), and for foreign official papers, place the name/abbreviation of the country before the department.
For unpublished texts, please follow this pattern: Jane Abbott, ‘Juvenile Delinquency: Victorian and Modern Parallels,' unpublished PhD thesis, Nottingham Trent University, 2002, or Judith Rowbotham, ‘Delinquency in Play,' unpublished conference paper, Social History Society conference, Leicester, 4 January 2003.
For web references, use the following patterns. Where there is a title or collection involved: Charles Booth and the survey into life and labour in London (1886-1903). Where the reference is simply to a website, use:, and give also the date of access.
For newsreels, use the following pattern: Visinews Film Library, London, British Gaumont, Issue 269, 27 July 1936 (hereafter GB). For documentary and feature films, Mission to Moscow (Michael Curtiz, Warner Bros, US, 1943). For radio/television broadcasts, use: Women's Hour, BBC Radio 4, 15 January 2000.
For references to newspapers, give the title of the newspaper, followed by the date and the page number (if available): The Times, 7 June 1871, p.10.
For manuscript references, these should always be cited by repository and reference code, with the repository name abbreviated after the first citation. Where all manuscripts are in one repository, the repository title need only be given at the first citation. Reference codes should follow the conventions used in the relevant repository.
Do NOT use Ibid, op. cit. or idem.
Citation of Legal materials
Citation of statutes and reported cases should follow the standard English style and should appear in the main text as follows
Statutes: Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984
To refer to a specific provision: ‘s76(2)a) Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 provides that…’ Note there is no comma before the year and no need to include ‘of the’ after the section number
Cases: R v Clarence 1888; Sheldrake v DPP 2005
Where possible the full neutral citation should appear in an accompanying footnote:
R v Clarence (1888) 22 QBD 23;
Sheldrake v DPP [2005] 1 AC 264
Illustrations and Tables
All pictures, maps, diagrams, figures and graphs should be submitted in form suitable for inclusion in electronic format. Each illustration, figure or table should be given an Arabic numeral, followed by a heading, and should be referred to in the text. They should be submitted in a file separate from the article text (with a list of headings, captions or citations on a separate sheet), but their place in the text should be marked.
Tables should be on separate sheets. Indicate in the margin of the text where the tables should be placed.
Articles should be submitted to Dr Samantha Pegg